J.B. Mouton is a company built on strong client relationships. The majority of our business comes from ongoing relationships with clients who have come to depend on J.B. Mouton for their construction services. For more information about safety, sustainability and the J.B. Mouton process that makes us stand out from our competitors, click the boxes below.
Using our experience to help you determine the best way to approach a project. Value Engineering includes exploring several budgeting options and giving you an accurate estimate of each before you invest the time of preparing a formal bid request.
We assess your project’s plans to ensure, with a high degree of certainty, that it can be built on time and within budget.
We identify and examine the role of subcontractors and material suppliers with an eye toward catching potential labor and/or material delivery problems.
We work with a selected design team from the design phase of a project to its construction. The Design/Build process helps ensure that the cost of the project stays within the owner’s budget. The integrity of the design is maintained through a partnership with a third-party design firm.
Qualified subcontractors are a vital part of successful project as the major subcontractors are responsible for large portions of the work. Selecting the right subcontractors and getting their input early in the design process is essential to having a smooth running, coordinated project.
In some projects one or two items, such as a pre-fabricated metal building or overhead crane, can determine the schedule for the whole job. We can identify these items up front and order them early, prior to releasing the rest of the project. This can cut months off of the project schedule.
This step helps to visualize and program the layout of the site to ensure the most effective use of the property for the intended function of the facility. This may also involve planning for future expansions.
This can be a crucial step in getting a project started. We will bring a project to the permitting authorities early on to get feedback and ensure a smooth and expedited review process.
We assess mechanical system options to select the most cost effective system, taking into account both initial and life cycle cost. This is another way to save money upfront and over the life of the building.
We coordinate and orchestrate the best and most talented management, subcontractors and field supervisors to bring your project to reality.
We monitor and control each specific aspect of the project through weekly site meetings and short-term (two-week) scheduling to maintain on-time delivery of the project.
Ongoing training is provided and workplace safety is strictly enforced, right down to the hardhat on every head.
We ensure the full value of your investment through proactive planning before the project starts and ongoing supervision of materials and workmanship to ensure compliance with the budget while maintaining quality.
We rigorously maintain building component quality to ensure that outcomes meet or exceed owner’s and design team’s expectations.
We are committed to maintaining client satisfaction by identifying and correcting any warranty issues. J.B. Mouton has been here for over a century and will be here in the future to resolve, in a timely manner, any construction issues that may surface.
Under this delivery system an owner hires a general contractor to design and build their project. This system provides the owner with the input early on in the process and assures the owner will get the best design on time and within budget. Design Build gives the owner the opportunity to take advantage of cost savings throughout the design process.
The design-assist-build system is a model most commonly used in the private sector. In this system, an owner engages the services of a general contractor to assist architects and engineers in a partnering relationship during the design phase. Upon completing the design, the owner partners with the general contractor to build their project. This system allows the owner the opportunity to value engineer the project and prevent unnecessary change orders.
Under this delivery system a project is put out to bid to multiple contractors. Participation in the design bid build market allows us to be competitive as a general contractor and keeps us aware of market trends.

J.B. Mouton maintains a solid and current foundation in green building principles and practices. Stuart Billeaud holds LEED Green Associate Credentials. This certification represents knowledge of green design, construction and operations. Maintained through continuing education, LEED Green Associates assist their clients in applying the LEED program as administered by the U.S. Green Building Council.
The J.B. Mouton team is committed to operating safe sites not only for our team members but for the ultimate users of the facilities we build. Our employees are at the core of J.B. Mouton’s safety program. With ongoing craft and safety training, our employees are able to each take a part in the company’s hands-on approach to building. This commitment of dedicated field personnel, craftsmen and project management to a safe working environment is vital to J.B. Mouton’s more than 100 years of success.
“J.B. Mouton has been a customer of our company for 24 years and before that, my Dad’s for 35 years. They are loyal, honest, and take pride in their finished products. Great Company to work for.”